The post about standstills

It’s been a while….but I am back! So, some updates. Things have changed a bit since my last post. I no longer work for Verizon. Instead I am back at Bath and Body Works doing what I love. I get to interact face to face with people again. I get to feel like I am doing something worthwhile. I was originally hired on as a shift leader but was offered the assistant manager job not longer after. Due to where I was offered a job I did have to leave my apartment because the drive would have been too much and I am without a car. The good thing about it all is that I am close to my family again instead of being about 45 minutes away from everyone. So I’ve relocated and started a new and better job.

Now about the weight loss. I have lost a total 146 pounds in almost 8 months. I have, however, hit a standstill. I have been at my current weight for the last month or so. They warned us before surgery that everyone has these times. We were told that while the weight loss may stop for periods of time, our bodies are trying to catch up and may still lose inches around. While I know all of this, it doesn’t make the waiting any easier.

I’d be lying if I said I had never eaten something that was supposed to be off limits after surgery. But I do feel that I have done pretty good considering what I have heard others say they have eaten. I wasn’t ready for the cravings to come back. I wasn’t ready for food to start tasting good again. Those are two things that I have to fight on a daily basis. I keep trying to remind myself that it is all worth it. I’m starting to like the way I look again and starting to feel like myself again. Two things I never thought would happen.

My family goes on a cruise in about a month and I am very excited about it. I should be able to actually do things and be active. The last two cruises I was too heavy to really enjoy myself. I plan on doing a big cruise post once we get back with pictures and all!

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